Bahaquote help is your online resort to all software and account related queries and questions regarding new account registration, login information, menu options, CMS, Add/Modify product list, quote generation, adding product to quote, access to sales order list, on click edit data support and further assistance on quoting software package, its pricing and benefits.

Create Purchase Order

Enter mandatory fields denoted by (*) asterisk. Enter product name, product code. Enter cost price, enter markup i.e. margin value and click on the button to generate selling cost.

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Purchase Order list

As soon as the purchase order is created it will display on the purchase order list. Now you can edit the purchase order from here; just click on the edit, all details entered will appear in the text boxes. You can search the product from the list entering product name and/or code.

Edit purchase order

Click Edit on the purchase order list and a form with pre entered details will display. Update the fields and Save.

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